Theatre that mainly shows puppetry performances; theatre housing puppet plays.
Examples for "puppet theatre"
Examples for "puppet theatre"
1Besides this, there was a large and complete puppet theatre belonging to the school.
2It had a newspaper, three orchestras and a puppet theatre.
3Also note that it is unwise to collect zombie heads to create your own puppet theatre.
4The small puppet theatre sits neatly into the main stage, isolated by lighting and its own magnetism.
5I sat once again with the Roman people in the amusing puppet theatre, and heard the children's merriment.
1Same with readers, board game players, and marionette theater enthusiasts.
2At night after the cock-fight one droll fellow brought around a miniature marionette theater, of which he was the proud proprietor.
3The playhouse started in 1960, has 2,000 marionettes and is the oldest continually running marionette theater in the U.S.
4Pinocchio sells his A-B-C book to pay his way into the Marionette Theater.
5Quick as a flash, Pinocchio disappeared into the Marionette Theater.
1He told her that he was making films and a marionette theatre.
2See how bright and attractive the marionette theatre looks in the sunshine, under its striped covering.
3Johann, on his knees behind the marionette theatre, pulled the strings that controlled Siegfried's right arm.
4Mothers would take their children to see people guillotined as to-day they take them to the marionette theatre.
5This time he brought a foreign penny and wanted to know why they had refused to take it at the marionette theatre.
1One afternoon my wife and I built them a puppet theater.
2After him came Giovanni, and Cimarron bearing the puppet theater.
3A puppet theater where the puppets are also controllers.
4When Pinocchio came into the little puppet theater, an incident occurred that almost produced a revolution.
5Sofia the First: Story Theater promotes storytelling and imagination with both the enchanting storybook and the puppet theater.
6His son Ted was born in 1908 and as a youth operated his own puppet theater in the summers.
7It produced playrooms, railway trains, puppet theaters, jungle gyms.
8Sofia's Puppet Theater keeps my daughter riveted as she concocts her own stories and scenes.
9The first volume came out last year in October and the second volume, "The Great Puppet Theater," was released this month.
10You can choose to save your child's Puppet Theater creation in the app so that you can watch the story again and again.
11So artisans focused on more innocuous creations, such as mechanical dolls that performed in puppet theaters or served real tea in real teacups.
12A Puppet Cabaret performance is shown in this image released on January 13, 2015 by Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival.
13"I know I'm a fool," he said, "but just because I love plays and puppet theaters, I'm not an idiot.
Translations for puppet theater